Monday 6 October 2014

Electronic tragedy

Hi every body I'm going to tell you about a electronic tragedy. In ICT class we whatched a video about the electronic tragedi, and I learn that if we don't recycle the environment gets worse and the people die. And we answer some questions before and after whatched it. There are some investigation questions that I can answer because I whatched the video.

The investigation questions:

1- Investigate at the Wikipedia the caracteristics of Ghana and Nigeria. What are their population, which is its level of wealth as well as the main economic activities of the two.

 - Ghana. It has a population of 27 million people. The GDP, in total, is $50 billion, and per capita, is $1,902. The principal or key activities are industrial minerals hydrocarbons and precious metals.
 - Nigeria. It has a population of 174,507,539 people. The GDP, in total, is $522 billion, and per capita,  $2,760. The principal or key activity is the productivity of petroleum, there are more activities, but it is de most important.

2- What is a free port, like Hong Kong ones?

 - Free port: a free port is a port area where, without paying customs duty, it has a lot of trade. There are a lot of free ports, but they aren't good, the workers let himselves go bribe, and this is a big problem, because the drug, the electronic remains and more bad things can pass to other places to contaminate.

3- Investigate in Wikipedia the recent story of Hong Kong. Do you know that even recently, still was a english colony?

 - Hong Kong  colonial started in the 1800 s  and finished in the 1930 s. It was a large period dominated by the aggressive expeditionary expansion by the British Empire. After invading the territory in 1800 during the Opium War, the British gained land in a series of inappropriate treaties. Early social and economic problems existed in the colony, as there were drastic differences between Eastern and Western philosophy and culture. Nonetheless, Hong Kong take advantage of the opportunity to become one of the first parts of East Asia to undergo industrialization.

4- Visit the page and explain which is the plan of this organization.

 - The page says hat you have yo repair things before you throw out them, because is Freedom, creates new jobs and is sustainable.

Repair saves you money. It saves the environment. And it connects us to our things. Ditch the throwaway economy. Join the repair revolution.

You bought it, you should own it. Period. You should have the right to use it, modify it, and repair it wherever, whenever, and however you want. defend your right to fix.

-We deserve the right to repair.


Products that can be repaired, should be repaired. Refurbished cell phones can be sold to someone new. Repaired computers bridge the digital divide. Even better, repair jobs are local. They won’t ever be shipped overseas.

-Repairable products make good sense.

-It's time for a repair jobs revolution.


Our stuff used to be made to last. Now it's made to last only a couple of years. repair is geen. it keeps the stuff you love in service, and out of a landfill.

-What's the problem with e-waste?

-Recycling is destruction.

-Manufacturing and mining are toxic.


The world needs fixing. Some people don't have clean water because they don't know how to repair their water pumps. Many companies don't make parts and manuals available to independent repair experts. We're fixing that.
iFixit is the free repair manual. Fix your things. We’ll teach you how.

Repair is noble.

So that's why we have recyclate and care the nature, he have to buy less and with a little of your help everyone can be happy and the environment can be help and save. Help a little please!!!