Thursday 28 May 2015

New Unit: Programming

We finished a unit called: Programming: make your own virtual pet.

Programming consists in give the necessary instructions, to a machine, to it makes its function automatically.

You can programme a lot of things, but there're aplications to practise and simulate it, like Scratch. This is its logo:

With this programme you can do a lot of things. In it, usually you make a main of game on which you have characters, backgrounds, objects, and programmes to do what you want! Look at the next image:

As you can see in the picture, there's a left space to work and another on the right to create what you want. There are some numbers that I'm going to explain:

1- These are some labels to help you saving, changing things, resolving doubts, etc.
2- This is to put your work name.
3- This is your character, you can do with it, what you want (with the progremmes), but you can change your character.
4- These buttons are to play and stop all the programme. The red one is to stop it, and the green one to start.
5- This is to add new characters, paint them, put pictures, add new objects, and more things.
6- This is to put a background, paint it, or take it from anhoder place.
7- This is to modify some things of the character, like its name or its rotation.
8- These labels are to change or add new things, respect the character. The first one is to add or change its programme. The second one is to change or add a dress or costume to the character (you can put or draw it). And the third one is to put a sound to you character, and then it can play it when you want.
9- These are some labels to do a programming as you like. There are of many types.
10- And finally, these are the types or options to do your programming.

I made some exercises in Scratch, here they are:

A square

An hexagon

An F

And more programming exercises like these. With more characters, things, sounds, costumes, backgrounds, etc. And a lot of imaginative combinationts of programmes. It's really easy! And you can make your own, with your tastes!
I really like Scratch!

If you want to know how it works or how to create one, with my steps and all these information, try it. Its very easy, funny and you investigate while you're training your brain. In the Scratch page there are also games, you can see examples, even you can sing in with an account!
This is a useful and important tool, to work or have fun, but the most important things is you do that while you're learning. I hope you use it a lot like me, because when I start I can't stop! The limit is your imagination.
Bye bye, see you in the next post.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Digital audio

Hello everybody, today I'm going to tell you things about the new unit: Digital audio.

In this unit we use a programme called Audacity. This is its logo:

Audacity is a free software application, it can be used for recording and editing audio files. I think is easy to work with it and very useful for a lot of things, in addition is the audio editor most spread on GNU/Linux systems. Its in many languages and it can be used for many things. This is the programme where we work:

With it we can do a lot of things related with audios, songs, music, sound effects, etc.
In the activities I learn to:
- search and download sounds from a sounds bank
-to cut, join or play two musics together, like only one
- to make a montage to simulate something with sounds, voices, background music, etc.
- to change the volume, the tempo, the pitch, the speed, or amplify a sound, etc., like for example in a radio programme.
- we can also add a noise, or generate a silence.

We record our voice and change it, with effects and more tool, like we are another person, or even a robot.

This is my voice like a robot:

Finally I make a commercial about a Lenovo's A760 smartphone, you have it here:

I hope you like it, it was a little difficult for me to do it. You have to cheep up and try to do it, it can be funny.
So bye bye and see you.
Kind regards, Ángela.