Tuesday 16 December 2014

Margaret Hamilton

Hello everybody, I'm here again. Today I'm going to talk about a really important person in the software world.


Margarete Hamilon was a very important software engineer, is well-know for the Project Apollo.
First, she only was a keypunching, people thought it was only a woman's work. But it's not only move the slots and nothing else. It consists to program and operate the machines for they work, and also they have to set up the calculations themselves. And besides, they have to do things that nobody has maked before too. For example look at this photo:

Then, when she studied at university, she got the BA in maths, but next she had to learn how to program, at her job.

Look at this photo:

She is next to the printouts of the code for the Apollo guidance system, she writed and supervise them. But the first compiler was wrote by the Amazing Grace Hopper.
When she was about 31, the Apollo 11 lunar module landed on the moon without problem, because she design very well the program, and it was very prepared.
She recived a lot of awards for it's work, she deserve them.
I think she's a very intelligent woman, and she demonstrate people, above everithing to men. She work a lot and prepared its project, based on tests, that emerge correct or incorrect results. But in spite of everithing she got the fantastic Project Apollo, that was a difficult work, althought don't seem it; and she demonstrate that women can do the same, or more, than men, equality!

Well, before I don't know about this person, but now I know a little more and I thing she realice a great work. I hope do you have liked, its very interesting, bye bye.

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